During the process of implantation, maternal spiral arteries within the decidua are invaded by trophoblast cells that adhere to and migrate along the luminal surface of the vascular endothelial cells. This phenomenon resembles the events that occur during the migration of neutrophils into an acute inflammatory site, therefore it is possible that similar mechanisms are involved. Indeed, previous observations have shown that endovascular trophoblast expresses the blood group-related antigen sialyl Le(x). In this study, we show, by immunohistology, the expression of both E- and P-selectin by vascular endothelial cells only in the decidua basalis and not in decidua parietalis. In contrast, ICAM-1 is expressed by all vascular endothelium throughout the decidua. Expression of VCAM-1 is variable at the implantation site, and is not expressed by vascular endothelial cells in decidua parietalis. Interestingly, we demonstrate the strong expression of a polysialylated form of NCAM by endovascular trophoblast. Our data suggests that vascular invasion by trophoblast is regulated by the expression of appropriate adhesion molecules which permit interaction between endovascular trophoblast and decidual endothelial cells.