Male Wistar rats were intrahippocampally injected with L-fucose and the sugar epitope 2'-fucosyl-lactose prior to induction of long-term potentiation (LTP). Both substances had only a minimal and short-lasting depressive effect on the monosynaptically evoked field potential recorded in the dorsal blade of the dentate gyrus of freely moving rats upon stimulation of the perforant pathway. However, LTP induced by fractionated tetanization of the perforant pathway, which declined within 24 h in control animals injected with Lactose, remained at the initial level even 48 h after tetanization (difference to the control group significant with P < 0.01). The results support earlier findings which have indicated a participation of fucosylated macromolecules in the maintenance of LTP. Different molecular mechanisms concerning the effect of both substances and the significance of the data in elucidation of the relationship between LTP and memory formation are discussed.