A case of AFP producing gastric cancer successfully treated with EAP therapy is reported with a review of the literature. A 56-year-old male was admitted complaining of epigastralgia and back pain. He was diagnosed as having a gastric cancer with multiple liver metastases by endoscopy and computed tomography. Serum AFP level was 2,791,000 ng/ml and biopsy specimen showed AFP-positive tumor cells by PAP (peroxidase-antiperoxidase) method in hepatoid structure. Preoperative combination chemotherapy with etoposide, adriamycin and cisplatin resulted in a remarkable decrease in serum AFP level. Subtotal gastrectomy (R3) with hepatic artery cannulation was performed. The therapeutic effect by histological examination showed Grade 3 in the primary site and Grade 2 in both resional lymph nodes and liver metastasis.