Sera obtained sequentially from 419 patients awaiting solid organ transplantation were screened and analyzed for HLA class I epitope specificity. Antibodies detected in each serum were defined as "private" if reactivity could only be demonstrated against a single specificity within one of the eight major CREGs, or as "public" if reactivity in a serum could be demonstrated against two or more specificities within a single CREG. A total of 139 sera contained % PRA > 0, in which 147 specific antibodies were identified. Of the 103 positive sera, 93 (90%) contained antipublic antibodies, with or without additional antiprivate antibodies, whereas just 10 (10%) sera contained only apparent antiprivate antibodies. The success rate in defining antibody specificities was low at PRA values of 1%-20% due to weak reactivity and high false-positive rates. Specificity analysis with high test sensitivity and specificity was achieved with PRA values between 40% and 80%. At PRA values > 80%, test sensitivity remained high but specificity declined. We conclude that most anti-HLA antibodies are directed against high frequency public epitope clusters (CREGs), and highly sensitized patients develop antibodies in a fairly predictable fashion, a feature that significantly improved the success rate of specificity analysis. Since high frequency antipublic antibodies are common sequelae of CREG mismatches, further definition of HLA class I public epitopes eventually may be important in donor-recipient matching.