Cepacidine A is a novel glycopeptide with a potent antifungal activity, which is produced by Pseudomonas cepacia AF 2001. Its molecular weight was determined by FAB-MS (m/z 1215). The compound is comprised of glycine (1), serine (2), 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (1), aspartic acid (1), beta-hydroxy tyrosine (1), beta-hydroxy asparagine (1), xylose (1) and 5,7-dihydroxy-3,9-diamino-octadecanoic acid (1). Unfortunately, cepacidine A is a mixture of A1 and A2, either of which is barely distinguishable. Cepacidine A2 includes asparagine (1) instead of beta-hydroxy asparagine (1) of cepacidine A1. The MS data and the NOESY, TOCSY and HMBC spectra show that cepacidine A is a cyclic peptide and xylose is connected to 5,7-dihydroxy-3,9-diaminooctadecanoic acid.