To determine the relationship of carcinoma of the prostate and cellular production of prostate-specific antigen, cytosol levels of PSA were measured in benign and malignant fresh prostate tissue harvested from radical prostatectomy specimens. Wedge biopsies were taken from benign (N = 21) and malignant (N = 74) prostate tissue and were immediately fixed in liquid nitrogen, and then homogenized and differentially centrifuged, and the cytosol fractions extracted. The remaining specimen was sent for routine pathologic assessment. The Hybritech methodology was used to measure the cytosol PSA and standard protein analysis was used for cytosol protein (CP) measurement. There was a significantly greater concentration of PSA in malignant tissue (P = 0.046). Also, when benign and malignant tissue were available from a single prostate (N = 17), these differences in cytosol PSA were even greater (P = 0.002). In addition, there was no significant difference when serum PSAs from the malignant tissue were ranked according to Gleason score and placed into three different histologic grades (i.e., Gleason scores 2-4, 5-6, and 7-10).