The 0-7-21 radiation therapy protocol was investigated as a palliative treatment in dogs with advanced malignancies. Twenty-four dogs with a variety of tumor types were irradiated using 800 cGy fractions given on days 0, 7, and 21. Twenty-three dogs were evaluated. Palliative response was assessed using a quality of life instrument developed for veterinary use. This pain score was based on owner response to questions regarding analgesic requirement, activity level, appetite, and degree of lameness in the affected dogs. Seventeen (74%) of the 23 dogs experienced complete pain relief, and 3 (13%) obtained partial relief. Of the 17 dogs that achieved a complete response, pain recurred in 8 at a median time of 70 days. Six dogs were alive and free of pain up to 557 days after irradiation. The 0-7-21 protocol was well tolerated; pain relief occurred quickly, and acute radiation reactions were negligible.