Quantification of c-erbB-2 and its relationship with other prognostic markers using flow cytometry has been examined. In this study a level for c-erbB-2 expression above which tumours are classified as positive by flow cytometry has been determined by employment of positive cut-off threshold levels. c-erbB-2 expression by both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry was studied using the monoclonal antibody NCL-CBII. The relationship of c-erbB-2 quantification by flow cytometry was then compared with ploidy, axillary node status, tumour size and grade. Increased c-erbB-2 expression was seen using flow cytometry. Correlation between immunohistochemistry and flow-cytometry methods just failed to reach significance (P = 0.06). Immunohistochemistry revealed a significant relationship between c-erbB-2 expression and aneuploidy (P = 0.04). Cytokeratin-positive cells from 110 samples obtained from patients with breast cancer were assayed for DNA content and c-erbB-2 expression by flow cytometry. No correlation was seen between these parameters upon application of Mann Whitney analysis. However, examination of fluorescence thresholds showed a positive correlation between grade and c-erbB-2 expression at a level of more than 3200 molecules (P < or = 0.03). At the level of 3600 molecules significance was increased (P = 0.004). These levels equated with between 15% and 19% of the samples being classified as c-erbB-2-positive. Application of these cut-off points showed no correlation between c-erbB-2 expression and ploidy, tumour size or axillary node status. Comparison of ploidy and grade showed a significant association (P = 0.0015), increased grade correlating with aneuploidy.