We report a 63-year-old female, case of multiple sclerosis associated with lateralization of bone change. In 1969, at age 38 she lost sight in her right eye. After that, she had several episodes of remission and exacerbation. In 1992, left hemiparesis, sensory disturbance and vesicorectal disturbance appeared, and she was admitted to our hospital. Immediately, steroid pulse-therapy was initiated then steroids were tapered. Her muscle strength recovered to some degree. The left upper limb showed low skin temperature, edema and decreased circulation. In January and September of 1993, bone examinations were conducted using multiple scanning X-ray photodensitometry. Osteopenia was observed, especially in the left hand. The bone density in the right hand changed slightly during the 8-month course of the illness, but osteopenia in the left hand became more marked. The asymmetrical bone change suggested that osteopenia results from a disorder of the central nervous system, especially through autonomic disorder.