Between February 1990 and May 1993, 13 cases of early congenital syphilis (ECS) were managed in the Paediatrics Unit, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Twelve mothers were unbooked with 10 inborn babies. Only one mother had antenatal booking at this hospital but she defaulted antenatal follow-up. Several risk factors associated with ECS were identified: inadequate or no prenatal care (5/13), failure to repeat a serological test for syphilis in the third trimester when it was tested negative at first booking (5/13), sexual promiscuity, substance abuse and a past history of contracting sexually transmitted disease. All 10 mothers who had their serological test repeated at delivery were found to have a positive VDRL and TPHA. Adequate antenatal care early referral of infected, expectant mothers for treatment, and a repeat serological test for syphilis could have prevented these cases of ECS.