The senescence-accelerated mouse P10 (SAMP10) is a murine model of accelerated senescence characterized by the deterioration of learning and memory with advancing age. In the present study, we examined the distribution of nerve growth factor (NGF) immunohistochemically in SAMP10 mice and its control strain, SAMR1. In both strains, NGF-like immunoreactivity (NGF-IR) was observed in neurons throughout the entire forebrain and in glial cells in a particular location. In aged SAMP10 mice, each layer of the cerebral cortex retained its NGF-IR, although the thickness of the cortical mantle was markedly decreased in comparison with younger animals. There was an age-related decline in NGF-IR in the substantia innominata of SAMP10 mice at the age of 10 months, when compared to 2-month-old SAMP10. These results indicate age-related decrease of NGF in the basal forebrain in SAMP10 mice.