We have cloned a pyr4 gene encoding orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase of the filamentous fungus Rhizopus niveus. The pyr4 gene of R. nivens has an open reading frame composed of 265 amino-acid residues and has two putative introns. We have also isolated a pyr4 mutant of Rhizopus delemar from 5-fluoroorotic acid-resistant mutants and transformed it with the pyr4 gene of R. niveus as a selectable marker. Introduced DNA was integrated into the chromosome in a multiple tandem array. The mitotic stability of the introduced DNA was increased by a repeated sporulation process. The expression of the Escherichia coli beta-glucuronidase gene in R. delemar was successfully obtained under the control of the pgk2 gene promoter of R. niveus by co-transformation with the pyr4 gene.