Extraintestinal trypsinogen activation peptides (TAP) have been shown to correlate with severity of acute pancreatitis in humans as well as in various animal models. Ischemia superimposed on experimental pancreatitis, however, increases acinar cell injury without increasing TAP in plasma. We speculated that TAP generated in the pancreas might not reach the circulation in necrotizing pancreatitis due to decreased pancreatic perfusion. To test the hypothesis that generation of TAP in plasma is related to pancreatic perfusion and that plasma TAP may therefore underestimate acinar cell injury in necrotizing disease, we correlated TAP in pancreatic tissue and body fluids with capillary pancreatic blood flow in necrotizing and edematous pancreatitis. The ratio between necrosis and TAP in tissue was similar in both models; the ratio between TAP in plasma and tissue, however, was significantly lower in necrotizing pancreatitis, indicating that a certain amount of TAP generated in the pancreas did not reach the circulation. Decreased pancreatic perfusion found in necrotizing pancreatitis was consistent with this finding. Our data suggest that TAP in tissue is most reliable to indicate severity of acute pancreatitis, whereas plasma TAP may underestimate pancreatic injury in necrotizing disease due to decreased pancreatic perfusion.