The diagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection is currently based on immunological tests, but tests for IgG and IgM antibodies alone are often insufficient to assess the risk of active disease, especially during pregnancy and in immunodeficient subjects. The supplementary diagnostic value of testing for antitoxoplasmic IgA in cases of acute, chronic, congenital and reactivated toxoplasmosis, relative to classical immunological tests, was evaluated using two immunocapture tests, one based on tachyzoite agglutination and the other on an immunoenzymatic complex recognizing the membrane protein P30 of Toxoplasma gondii. A total of 4,541 sera from 395 uninfected subjects, 468 immunized subjects with chronic infection, 117 subjects with acute infection and 403 children, 103 of whom had congenital toxoplasmosis, was tested. Specific IgA tests were negative in the nonimmune population, but tests for this immunoglobulin subtype became positive very rapidly during primary infection, and IgA disappeared more rapidly than IgM. In the children infected in utero, specific IgA was detected more frequently than IgM. In contrast, in a population of HIV-seropositive subjects with clinical toxoplasmosis, tests for IgA were poorly sensitive. The two tests for specific IgA produced similar results, except in the early stages of primary infection, in which immunoenzymatic testing for anti-P30 IgA was less sensitive than the agglutination method.