Previous studies of the serum immunoglobulin G antibody response of periodontal patients have demonstrated significant reactivity to a cell surface or extracellular arginine-specific protease of Porphyromonas gingivalis which migrates as an approximately 50-kDa band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. In the present report, two forms of the enzyme (ArgI and ArgIA) with this electrophoretic behavior were isolated. ArgI is a heterodimer of alpha and beta subunits, and ArgIA is a monomer composed of the catalytically active alpha component alone. The gene encoding ArgI (prpR1 encoding protease polyprotein ArgI) was cloned from Sau3AI digests of P. gingivalis W50 DNA into pUC18. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the alpha and beta components are contiguous on the initial translation product and are flanked by large N- and C-terminal extensions. prpR1 is 97.5% identical to the rgp-1 gene from P. gingivalis H66. prpR1 expression in Escherichia coli demonstrated the presence of an internal transcription-translation initiation site which could permit independent expression of different regions of the polyprotein. Immunochemical analysis of P. gingivalis mid-logarithmic-phase cultures suggested that the processing of PrpRI may be closely coupled to its synthesis, with only the final stages taking place at the cell surface. Southern hybridization studies demonstrated that the prpR1 gene is widely distributed in other P. gingivalis strains and that a second homologous locus to the alpha component and at least two other homologous loci to the beta component are present on the P. gingivalis chromosome. These data indicate that the ArgI protease of P. gingivalis is a member of a family of sequence-related gene products which may share both functional and antigenic properties.