From July 1984 to December 1991, 641 Carpentier-Edwards pericardial valves were used in 585 consecutive patients. There were 420 aortic valve replacements, 121 mitral valve replacements, and 50 double valve replacements. Mean age was 65.5 +/- 12 years. All patients but 10 were followed up at 3 months periods with a total follow-up of 2074 patients years and a mean follow-up of 3.7 years. Patients were subdivided in 4 groups: Group I: < 50 years, Group II: 50 < age < 65, Group III: 65 < age < 75, Group IV: > 75 years. Actuarial survival rates were 100% in group I, 80 +/- 9% in group II, 68 +/- 11% in group III, and 64 +/- 13% in group IV. Valve related complications included 54 patients and valve related deaths 17. Valve related death rates were 100%, 96 +/- 3%, 95 +/- 4%, 89 +/- 10% respectively (NS). We observed 4 structural failure of the values with respective rates of freedom from valve deterioration of: 92 +/- 6%, 98 +/- 2%, 100%, 100% (NS). No leaflet tears were observed. No difference was found between the 4 age groups in terms of valve related events except for thromboembolic accidents which were more frequent in patients older than 75 years. The absence of difference at 8 years and the absence of leaflet tears indicate the superiority of the Carpentier-Edwards pericardial over previous bioprostheses and the better stress behaviour of this valve. The coming years will allow us to determine the precise place of this pericardial device, especially in young patients and in the mitral position.