The results of treatment of 46 patients with purulent contused wounds in the region of the metacarpophalangeal joints are analysed. Damage to the articular capsule with development of arthritis occurred in 10 and damage to the capsule with osteoarthritis of the metacarpophalangeal joint in 18 patients. In 18 patients the joint was not involved in the pathological process. The treatment of such injuries consists in surgical debridement of the wound and obligatory inspection of the capsule of the underlying joint. If the articular capsule is damaged, drainage of the joint with installation of a drainage-irrigation system is performed and a primary suture is applied to the wound. If osteodestructive changes are found, sequestrectomy and drainage of the joint and wound is undertaken and a destruction apparatus is applied. It is emphasized that only timely surgical debridement of the purulent contused wound with inspection of the articular capsule guarantees successful treatment of this pathological condition.