The facial lymph nodes are classified in five groups: mandibular, buccinator, infraorbital, malar and retrozygomatic nodes. This paper reports the CT appearance of neoplastic involvement of these nodes, an unusual and not well documented event. The CT examinations of 62 patients with a history of primary or recurrent cancer of the epidermal structures of the face, oral cavity and sinonasal region were retrospectively reviewed to assess the presence of facial adenopathy. Nine cases of neoplastic involvement of facial nodes were found. Most commonly the buccinator nodes (4 cases) were involved, the infraorbital, mandibular (2 cases) and retrozygomatic nodes (1 case) being less commonly involved. No malar nodes were found. Neoplastic involvement of these nodes was caused by squamous cell carcinoma in 6 cases, by adenocarcinoma in 2 cases and by a lymphoma in 1 case. Normal nodes could not be confidently identified on CT studies. CT diagnosis of neoplastic involvement of facial nodes is based on the presence of a nodular lesion which lies along the lymphatic pathways of the primary neoplasm in an anatomically compatible location. CT diagnosis of facial nodes is very important for treatment planning if the nodes are deep or at a distance from primary cancer. This is especially true for retrozygomatic and buccinator nodes.