The purposes of this descriptive study were: (1) to compare the self-selected needs of 69 patients with cancer, 31 from a nonprofit hospice, and 38 from a university cancer center located in the mid-south; and (2) to establish the reliability of the Cancer Patient Need Survey for hospice patients. Patients completed the Cancer Patient Need Survey and a demographic data form. Hospice and clinic patients rated the category of coping needs most important. Clinic patients also ranked the category of information needs as a priority, but did not find these needs as well met. Both groups ranked as their top individual needs support from family and friends, and a patient caregiver. Reliabilities of the instrument for the groups range from 0.91 to 0.93. The Cancer Patient Need Survey is a useful instrument for assessing and testing the needs of clinic patients, but additional work needs to be done in modifying the instrument for use with hospice patients.