Many recent developments in urologic diagnostic and therapy are also of interest for general surgeons. Flexible and semirigid ureteroscopes (6-8 F) provide easy and atraumatic access to the whole upper urinary tract. Beside extracorporeal shockwave-lithotripsy now various endourologic modalities to treat ureteral stones are available. Although useful, laparoscopic techniques are not yet widely accepted by urologists because there is a lack of indications in urologic laparoscopic surgery. The functional reconstruction of the urinary bladder by means of an ileal neobladder with an anastomosis to the urethra in the male or with a continent stoma and selfcatheterism provides better quality of life in patients after radical cystectomy. Nephron-sparing tumor surgery may become a routine procedure under certain precautions such as small tumor size, patient's compliance and good local medical infrastructure. Especially for urologic microsurgery, neurourology and different treatments of benign prostatic hyperplasia essential new and interesting improvements are expected.