The variety of functions performed by monocytes and macrophages is reflected in their phenotypic diversity. Investigation of this complex system is facilitated by Ki-M1P, a new monoclonal antibody which recognizes a differentiation antigen on monocytes/macrophages in paraffin-embedded tissues. To test its usefulness as a pan-macrophage marker in the skin, we immunohistochemically analysed paraffin-embedded biopsy material from seven healthy individuals and 190 patients with a variety of dermatoses. Immunoreactivity was compared with results obtained with the antibodies KP-1, MAC-387, UCHL-1 and S-100. In normal skin, epidermal Langerhans cells were Ki-M1P-. Strong expression of this marker was detected on spindle-shaped as well as dendritic perivascular and intervascular macrophages. Pathological reaction forms such as giant cells and epithelioid cells in granulomatous dermatoses were also Ki-M1P+. The high specificity of Ki-M1P is reflected in the lack of reactivity with tumour cells in non-monocytic neoplasms and Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Thus, Ki-M1P is a useful marker for skin macrophages, discriminating between the immunoaccessory and the phagocytic compartments.