Predominant impairment or preservation of category-specific naming and comprehension is not rare in aphasics. Much less frequent is a selective inability to generate proper names. To our knowledge, only one such case has been reported after a left thalamic lesion, located in the ventral anterior nucleus, the mamillo-thalamic tractus and the genu of the internal capsule. We report a new case of selective inability to generate proper names after a left tubero-thalamic infarct. A 65-year old right-handed man presented with a selective impairment in producing proper names, both from photographs or descriptions and on tests of verbal fluency. The deficit was obvious both for persons names and for geographical names. The rest of the neuropsychological testing was remarkable only for a mild verbal amnesia, affecting only serial material (list of words), a reduced fluency for flowers, fruits and musical instruments, difficulties in learning of new words, and a dissociation between preserved learning for words on a test of learning of words and occupations (Cohen, 1990). This anomia for proper names could result from an indirect frontal-lobe dysfunction, preventing voluntary activation of the phonological representation of proper names.