Aims: To compare proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunoexpression in hyperplastic polyps, adenomas, and inflammatory cloacogenic polyps of the human colon and rectum using paraffin wax embedded tissue.
Methods: The monoclonal antibody PC10 was used to demonstrate PCNA immunoreactivity in 88 polypoid lesions from 68 patients. Cases in which immunoexpression was completely absent were excluded, leaving 32 hyperplastic polyps, 31 adenomas, and seven inflammatory cloacogenic polyps for analysis. Labelling indices for the upper and lower third of each lesion and for adjacent normal mucosa were calculated.
Results: The upper third labelling indices for adenomas were substantially higher than those for hyperplastic polyps or normal mucosa, whereas those for the upper thirds of hyperplastic polyps and normal mucosa did not differ greatly. The differences between the lower third samples were not significant. In 16 (50%) hyperplastic polyps positive cells persisted onto the luminal surface. Some adenomas showed the most intense staining and the highest labelling indices in the upper third, with strong staining of surface cells; this pattern was not seen in the other lesions. The inflammatory cloacogenic polyps did not show a consistent pattern of immunoexpression.
Conclusions: Differences in cell kinetics between adenomas, hyperplastic polyps, and normal mucosa may be shown in formalin fixed, paraffin wax embedded tissue using PC10 as a marker of proliferative activity. PCNA expression also persists into the upper portions of hyperplastic polyps. Assuming that hyperplastic polyps are hypermature lesions with a slower rate of cell migration, this finding suggests that there may be an alteration in PCNA protein metabolism.