Multiple genetic subtypes of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been identified among internationally collected isolates. The HIV-1 epidemic in Thailand is largely due to B and E subtypes of virus. Dual infection with distinct HIV-1 subtypes would suggest that antiviral immunity evoked by one subtype can be incompletely protective against a second. Polymerase chain reaction typing and serologic typing were used to screen a panel of specimens from HIV-1-infected subjects in Thailand. Two persons simultaneously harbored HIV-1 of env subtypes B and E, and this was confirmed by colony hybridization with subtype-specific probes and nucleotide sequence analysis of a 630-bp fragment of gp120 from multiple molecular clones. In addition, both subtypes were identified in cocultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 1 individual. These data provide the first evidence of dual HIV-1 infection in humans and reinforce the need for polyvalent vaccines.