The role of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was examined in rats and obtained following results: (a) The time-dependent (light > dark) hyperglycemic response to intracranial injection of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) disappeared in rats with bilateral lesions of the SCN, in rats on weeks 4-6 after surgical blinding, and in congenitally blind (hereditary microphthalmic) rats; (b) The hyperglycemia induced by electrical stimulation of the SCN was not observed in weeks 4-8 after surgical blinding; (c) Change in the blood glucose concentration after insulin injection into the SCN was eliminated by SCN lesions; (d) Alterations in activity of autonomic efferents to peripheral organs on light exposure disappeared after SCN lesions; (e) SCN lesions decreased the blood glucagon level and increased the blood insulin level; (f) SCN lesions decreased protein intake, and glucagon increased it; (g) Increases in the plasma renin activity and vasopressin concentration after water-deprivation were suppressed in hereditary microphthalmic rats with abnormal SCN. These findings suggest that the SCN is involved in the mechanism of blood glucose and body fluid intake as well as that of circadian rhythm.