Sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the intermediolateral nucleus of the thoracic spinal cord of the adult rat which innervate the superior cervical ganglion (SPN-scg) were identified by means of retrograde transport of cholera subunit B-conjugated horseradish peroxidase and fluorogold. In horizontal sections of the spinal cord, the SPN-scg were observed to be arranged in clusters which displayed a characteristic triangular configuration. Within this triangle, the cells showed no preferential orientation for their long axes were oriented obliquely, transversely or longitudinally. The dendrites arising from these clusters were oriented either longitudinally, medially, or laterally. The medially-oriented dendrites formed a subependymal plexus and some have been observed to cross the midline to the opposite side. The most significant finding was the presence of the white matter dendritic plexus which was formed by the laterally-directed bundles of dendrites. The present findings thus suggested that SPN-scg may be regulated by means of two circuits: the classical (medial) core circuit and a paralateral circuit which may convey supraspinal afferent inputs to the SPN-scg.