We have examined the absorbance of a charge-transfer transition near 760 nm, known as band III, in several hemoproteins and heme complexes. The band III position correlates with the rate of carbon monoxide binding to the heme. A band III present at 760 nm indicates an unfavorable geometry of the heme for carbon monoxide binding; a red-shift of the band III to 765 nm indicates a less-constrained geometry of the heme as evidenced by higher carbon monoxide association rates. The band III position correlates well with the Raman frequency of the Fe-His(F8) bond as suggested previously for normal hemoglobin A [Sassaroli, M. & Rousseau, D. L. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 3092-3098]. Aplysia myoglobin and the chimeric heme protein kinase FixL from Bradyrhizobium japonicum, hemoproteins with an apolar residue in place of the highly conserved polar histidine E7, do not fit the relationship between the band III position and the rate of binding of carbon monoxide to the heme. With these few exceptions, the measurement of band III appears to be a practical means to probe the stretch frequency of the Fe-His(F8) bond.