Twenty-eight consecutive CT (n = 23) or ultrasonographically (n = 5) guided biopsy procedures were performed on musculoskeletal lytic lesions covered (n = 13) or not covered (n = 15) with intact bone. Specimens were obtained by means of Biopty techniques (n = 27), i.e. Biopty and Monopty instruments, through different cannulas with normal or shortened needle-throws. Four out of 5 bone penetrations were successful with an Ostycut needle, and all 8 bone penetrations by a coaxial bone biopsy system with an eccentric drill. The eccentric drill makes a hole in the cortical bone larger than the diameter of the outer cannula of this system, making it easy to anchor the cannula and then coaxially insert a Biopty-Gun needle for example. The overall histopathological diagnostic accuracy of the Biopty techniques was 25/27 (92.6%).