Cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cardiac MyBP-C, cardiac C protein) belongs to a family of proteins implicated in both regulatory and structural functions of striated muscle. For the cardiac isoform, regulatory phosphorylation in vivo by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) upon adrenergic stimulation is linked to modulation of cardiac contraction. The sequence of human cardiac MyBP-C now reveals regulatory motifs specific for this isoform. Site-directed mutagenesis identifies a LAGGGRRIS loop in the N-terminal region of cardiac MyBP-C as the key substrate site for phosphorylation by both PKA and a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase associated with the native protein. Phosphorylation of two further sites by PKA is induced by phosphorylation of this isoform-specific site. This phosphorylation switch can be mimicked by aspartic acid instead of phosphoserine. Cardiac MyBP-C is therefore specifically equipped with sensors for adrenergic regulation of cardiac contraction, possibly implicating cardiac MyBP-C in cardiac disease. The gene coding for cardiac MyBP-C has been assigned to the chromosomal location 11p11.2 in humans, and is therefore in a region of physical linkage to subsets of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC). This makes cardiac MyBP-C a candidate gene for chromosome 11-associated FHC.