In oculo transplantation provides a powerful tool to study development and gene expression of isolated brain regions. In this study we grafted striatal and mesencephalic brain tissue to the anterior eye chamber and allowed it to survive for 2 and 6 weeks. Striatal or mesencephalic pieces were either grafted alone (single grafts) or together in close connection (co-grafts). As a control normal adult untreated rats were analyzed at the striatal and hippocampal level. Using non-radioactive in situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes we detected preprotachykinin-A mRNA, a neuropeptide marker for striatal neurons. We report that adult normal rats show a strong expression of preprotachykinin-A mRNA in the striatum, medial habenula and piriform cortex, verifying the specificity of the method. Mesencephalic in oculo grafts did not reveal any staining for preprotachykinin-A mRNA. In single striatal grafts only a very weak expression of preprotachykinin-A mRNA was found at both time points investigated. Co-grafts grown for 2 weeks were not different from single striatal grafts, however, when striatum was grown together with ventral mesencephalon for 6 weeks the level of preprotachykinin-A mRNA was strong and near normal adult levels. We conclude that the mesencephalic dopaminergic innervation to the striatum might be a potent stimulus to neurons expressing preprotachykinin-A mRNA.