Background and aim of the study: Early graft failure is often associated with technical failures and is therefore potentially avoidable. We used thermal coronary angiography (TCA) for intraoperative graft patency control in 370 patients undergoing routine coronary artery bypass graft surgery to determine whether consequent intraoperative bypass graft control may result in improved patency rates.
Methods: The temperature differences generated in between the myocardium and the grafts by injecting cold cardioplegic solution into the proximal end of a vein graft or by warmer blood running through an internal thoracic artery (ITA) graft were detected using three different infrared camera systems. The resulting "heat pictures" were evaluated for anastomotic patency and to outline graft anatomy.
Results: A total of 693 vein grafts were visualized. In 9.4% TCA failed to produce usable images. In the remaining 628 grafts, TCA revealed intraoperative patency in 98.8%. Out of 370 ITA grafts, only 14 could not be sufficiently visualized by TCA. Nineteen ITA occlusions (5.3%) were found: 5 intimal flaps; 11 suture imposed strictures; and 3 proximal ITA occlusions. All occluded grafts were subsequently revised or replaced. All sequential ITA as well as 15 right ITA grafts proved to have patent anastomoses.
Conclusion: Using TCA an early graft dysfunction rate of 1% for vein grafts and 5.3% for ITA grafts could be demonstrated. Most occlusions were due to technical mistakes at the distal anastomosis. TCA outlines grafts and the attached coronaries by temperature differences without the need for a contrast agent. There is no interference with the surgical procedure. It is an ideal, noninvasive method to immediately document the success or failure of myocardial revascularization.