In this work we analyze the following biomaterial: biomaterials used in this study are: reabsorbable Dac Blu, non reabsorbable Dac Blu, non reabsorbable atomized Dac Blu, non reabsorbable thin Dac Blu, reabsorbable Biocoral 450, Calcitite 2040-12, Orthogel, Apagen, BTF 65, Calcitite 4060-2, Osprogel, Bio-Oss, Biostite, Osprovit, Merck Hydroxiapatite. The quantitative XRF analysis was performed by a Philips PW 1480 with Rh tube. This research, besides underlining the possibility of applying the XRF method to the analysis of biomaterials. This study, shows the facility and the rapidity in the preparation of samples and standards in the form of tablets to undergo the analysis: furthermore the study shows the possibility of verify the analysis on the same sample in the future, because the tablet if well conserved, does not deteriorate. We can also verify a good analytic accuracy both for the principal elements (Ca, P) and for trace elements. The analyses show a moderate variability in the Ca/P ratio in the hydroxylapatites, and a greater variability in the secondary and trace elements.