To determine the incidence of malignant hyperthermia (MH) reactions after trigger-free anaesthesia in a large population of MH-susceptible (MHS) patients, the charts of 2,214 patients who underwent elective muscle biopsy for malignant hyperthermia were reviewed. Either general or regional anaesthesia with non-triggering drugs was used. For general anaesthesia, the trachea was intubated in the absence of muscle relaxants. The halothane/caffeine contracture test was performed on the biopsied muscle. Suspected MH reactions were identified according to their site of occurrence (in the operating room, recovery room or ward). Ninety-seven percent of patients received a general anaesthetic; 3% received a regional anaesthetic or field block. Of the 2214 patients whose muscles were biopsied, 1082 patients were biopsy-positive for MH. Five patients in whom MH reactions were diagnosed in the recovery room were all subsequently proved to be biopsy-positive for MH. Four of the five received intravenous dantrolene as part of their therapy; the fifth received only symptomatic therapy as parenteral dantrolene was not commercially available. All patients recovered completely from their reactions. We conclude that the incidence of MH reactions in biopsy-positive patients who receive a trigger-free anaesthetic for minor surgery is small (0.46%, (0.15-1.07%, 95% CI)). These reactions occur in the immediate postoperative period.