During the past 30 years since 1958 when malaria stratification was first made, a great change in malaria situation has occurred. The original stratification can not represent the current status of malaria distribution. Therefore, it needs to be redivided so as to provide basis for future malaria control work. Taking species of mosquito vector and malaria incidence as the main indices and making reference to the natural geographical division, the current malaria endemic area in China can be divided into four regions, i.e. (1) Western region: it is mostly a natural non-endemic area, except some limited areas with sporadic cases in Xinjiang Autonomous Region; (2) Northern region: the whole north-eastern and partial northern China belong to the areas where malaria has been basically eliminated; but sporadic occurrence still exist in most part of the northern China; (3) Central region: it is mostly a hypo-endemic area, only a small part has meso-endemicity; (4) Southern region: nearly 50% has meso-endemicity and the other 50% has hypo-endemicity. The demarcation line of natural non-endemic areas and the areas where malaria has been basically eliminated has been defined.