Reduction of leucocytes in blood components, achieved by filtration, may reduce the risk of HLA alloimmunization, virus transmission, and febrile reactions. Nevertheless, white blood cell (WBC) concentrations obtained in this way can be too low to be accurately counted with automated and manual techniques. We describe here a rapid, reliable, and very sensitive method for counting low leucocyte numbers using flow cytometry. WBC nuclei are labelled by propidium iodide. A known amount of fluorescein- and phycoerythrin-conjugated beads (Standard Brite, Coulter) is added as an indicator of the examined volume. The time required for analyzing one tube is approximately 5 min. This method was first validated by comparing WBC counts (120-2,570/microliters) assessed on a haemocytometer (Bürker) and by flow cytometry. The second step was to determine the sensitivity of the method: we diluted normal platelet concentrates with phosphate-buffered saline. The comparison of expected with observed values showed a very good correlation up to a concentration of 1 WBC/microliter. This technique is an accurate method that can be applied in blood bank quality controls and in clinical studies.