Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) were performed in 22 cases of pancreatic lesions. FNAB was done with the help of ultrasonographic guidance in 14 cases and intraoperatively in 2 cases. In rest of the cases it was done without any radiological guidance. Diagnosis was confirmed either by histopathology or exploratory laparotomy by follow-up data in rest of the cases. There was no false positive or negative diagnosis. Nuclear crowding, nuclear enlargement and prominent nucleoli were the important cytological criteria for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Cytology smears of the islet cell tumour show round to oval monomorphic cells with central to eccentric nuclei and fine reddish granulations in cytoplasm. There was no complication following aspiration. Thus FNAB of pancreas is a relatively safe, reliable and quick technique which can be performed under ultrasound guidance.