1. D-Penicillamine (125 mg) was administered orally to control (healthy volunteers), Parkinson's and Motor Neurone Disease patients following an overnight fast. 2. Blood was collected at 08:00 h for the preparation of red blood cell membranes used in the in vitro S-methylation studies. Urine was collected from 08:00 to 16:00 h and analysed for D-penicillamine and its metabolites. 3. Metabolism occurred via S-methylation, N-acetylation and disulphide formation. Both the Parkinson's and Motor Neurone Disease patients excreted significantly higher median levels of S-methyl-D-penicillamine in the urine than the controls (177 and 209% more for the Parkinson's and Motor Neurone Disease patients respectively). 4. The in vitro and in vivo production of S-methyl-D-pencillamine was highly correlated in the control (rs = 0.936), Parkinson's (0.986) and Motor Neurone Disease (0.752) populations.