In a series of 715 renal transplantations performed between 1973 and 1989, 72 cases of renal artery stenosis (RAS) in 69 children (9.7%) were managed at Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades. Forty cases of RAS were treated exclusively by antihypertensive drugs. A good result was obtained in 82.5% of cases. Thirty three transluminal angioplasties (TLA) were performed in 23 children with 26 RAS. A good clinical result was obtained in 15 children with a total of 17 stenoses, corresponding to a success rate of 65%. Transluminal dilatation of anastomotic stenoses always failed. There were no cases of transplant thrombosis. Eleven RAS were operated, including 5 after failure of TLA. Eight patients (73%) obtained a clinical improvement. There were 2 postoperative thromboses. Antihypertensive treatment must be administered in every case. If medical treatment fails, and with the exception of anastomotic stenoses, TLA should be the first-line procedure, while surgery is reserved for failures of TLA and for anastomotic stenoses.