In a prospective controlled trial we compared the rates of intraluminal contamination between the two lumens of a double-lumen central venous catheter. One lumen was used for repeat infusions and injections, and the other was permanently connected to a slow infusion of 0.9% NaCl. The study was designed so that the patient was his own control. Twenty-eight catheters were examined and comparison with catheter-tip cultures was performed in 24. Intraluminal culture was performed 67-77 h after insertion of the catheter and catheter-tip culture was performed on removal of the catheter. The contamination rate from catheter-tips was 20.8%, which is acceptable compared with other studies. There was only one positive intraluminal culture in each group (3.6%), and thus no correlation was found between contamination rate and the number of times the infusion-line had been interrupted for use. As for catheter-tip contamination, we found no correlation between infusion of blood-products or parenteral nutrition and contamination rates.