Background: Growth factors for granulocytic and granulocyte-macrophage series (G-CSF and GM-CSF) in the form of recombinant proteins are used in various leukopenias. The aim of this work was to follow the effect of GM-CSF (Leucomax Sandoz) in myelosuppression after the therapy with cytotoxic drugs.
Method and results: Leucomax was given to 22 patients with oncohematological disease (3 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 5 patients with various myeloid malignacies, 4 myelomas and 10 patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas). In comparison to the literary data lower doses of Leucomax were used, it is 150-200 micrograms a day and patient. The length of administration of the growth factor was reduced to the shortest possible time according to the leukocyte count monitoring. Leucomax administration was started when leukocytes dropped below 1.10(9), in patients with severe leukopenias after repeated chemotherapy Leucomax was applied earlier. From 17 patients treated for sufficiently long period of time 70% responded to the GM-CSF application without any serious side-effects. In most cases, with the exception of myeloma, the growth factor was applied for 4-10 days. The leukocyte increase above 3 x 10(9) appeared in 3-8 days after the start of the treatment.
Conclusions: Correctly indicated application of growth factors in postcytostatic myelosuppression is a great contribution to antitumor therapy. According to our experience in most cases 5-7 days of the daily dose of 150-200 micrograms of GM-CSF is sufficient for the stimulation of leukopoiesis. In postherapeutic myelosuppression in acute myeloblastic leukemia the growth factor should be used only as a life saving therapy since it can stimulate the leukemic cell population.