Microsatellite instability has been reported to be an important feature of tumors from hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC) patients. The recent discovery of genetic instability in small cell lung carcinoma, a neoplasm not associated with HNPCC, led us to investigate the possible presence of microsatellite alterations in other tumor types. We examined 52 microsatellite repeat sequences in the DNA of normal and tumor pairs from 100 head and neck, bladder, and lung cancer patients by the polymerase chain reaction. Although alterations were rare in dinucleotide repeats, larger (tri- or tetranucleotide) repeats were found to be more prone to expansion or deletion. We screened 100 tumors with a panel of nine tri- and tetranucleotide repeat markers and identified 26 (26%) that displayed alterations in at least one locus. This observation prompted us to examine the possibility of using microsatellite alterations as markers to detect clonal tumor-derived cell populations in pathologic samples. The identical microsatellite alterations detected in the primary tumors were successfully identified in corresponding urine, sputum, and surgical margins from affected patients. This study demonstrates that appropriately selected microsatellite loci are commonly altered in many cancers and can serve as clonal markers for their detection.