We studied the efficacy of the intra-lymph nodal injection of the activated carbon particle absorbed mitomycin C (MMC-CH40) for gastric cancer. Ninety-five patients with gastric cancer underwent gastrectomy with D1 or D2 lymph node dissection. Of these, 38 patients were treated with intra-lymph nodal injection of MMC-CH 40 (MMC-CH 40 group). The other 57 patients were classified into the control group. The survival of MMC-CH group was significantly higher than that of the control group using generalized Wilcoxon method. However, since the percentage of stage IV was higher in the control group than in MMC-CH 40 group, the survivals of subgroups of stage I-III were compared. Although the percentage of the early gastric cancer was higher in the control group of stage I-III (n = 35) than in the MMC-CH group of stage I-III (n = 38), the survival curves of MMC-CH group were higher than in the control group. The difference in survival between the two groups was significant at 8 months after surgery. These results indicate that this new therapy improves survival in patients with stage I-III gastric cancer.