The bean grp1.8 full-length promoter is specifically active in vascular tissue during normal development of tobacco. Deletion of a negative regulatory element resulted in ectopic activity of the promoter in cortical cells of hypocotyls, roots and stems. A 169 bp fragment (-205 to -36) of the grp1.8 promoter conferred vascular-specific expression to CaMV 35S minimal promoters whereas a 141 bp fragment (-205 to -64) strongly activated these minimal promoters both in vascular and cortical cells. These experiments defined a new regulatory element (VSE) that is essential for vascular-specific expression and is located between -64 and -36. The 141 bp grp1.8 promoter sequence had enhancer-like properties as it was active in both orientations. A 24 bp sequence (bp -119 to -96, corresponding to the SE1 regulatory element) enhanced expression from several minimal promoters strongly but unspecifically, whereas a 26 bp sequence (-98 to -73, corresponding to the RSE regulatory element) induced vascular-specific expression. Thus, the grp1.8 promoter is regulated by a combinatorial mechanism that can integrate the action of different, non-additively acting regulatory elements into vascular-specific expression.