Diminished activities of Na/K/ATPase and Na/K/2Cl-cotransport in arterial smooth muscles lead to vasoconstriction. We found it interesting to check if a decrease in activities of those ion transports are present in other diseases with smooth muscles hyperreactivity; bronchial asthma and COPD. The study was performed on lymphocytes collected from 57 patients with atopic asthma, nonatopic asthma and COPD; the groups consisted of 18, 28 and 11 patients respectively. Control group was composed of 15 healthy subjects. There were no significant differences in Na/K/-ATPase and Na/K/2Cl-cotransport activities either in the exacerbation compared to the remission in the examined group, or in patients versus controls. Na/K-ATPase activity was strongly dependent on pO2.