Hexokinase inactivating antibodies were loaded into human erythrocytes using an encapsulation procedure based on hypotonic haemolysis, isotonic resealing and reannealing. Red blood cells loaded with anti-hexokinase IgG showed 20 percent residual hexokinase activity and reduced glycolytic activity. Incubation of these cells in the presence of an oxidizing agent such as terbutyl hydroperoxide (TBH) and then in autologous plasma, promoted opsonization by autologous IgG and complement deposition, but not haemolysis. Furthermore, the antihexokinase IgG loaded cells treated with TBH were actively recognized and phagocytosed by macrophages. Thus, metabolic impairment of human erythrocytes promotes autologous IgG binding, C3 deposition and phagocytosis, a mechanism already reported for the removal of senescent erythrocytes.