We investigated the physiological role of cholecystokinin (CCK) on gastric emptying and acid secretion in seven conscious dogs with gastric cannulae. Two hundred milliliters of a 4% amino acid meal was given via the cannula, and both gastric emptying and acid output were measured concurrently using a dye-dilution technique. Gastric emptying of the liquid amino acid meal was exponential, and the acid output and plasma concentrations of CCK, gastrin, and somatostatin peaked within 30 min after the meal. Intravenous infusion of CCK-8 at 28 and 56 pmol/kg/hr but not 14 pmol/kg/hr increased plasma levels of the peptide and inhibited gastric emptying as well as acid output. Plasma gastrin was not affected significantly by the CCK infusion, whereas plasma somatostatin increased significantly in response to 56 pmol/kg/hr of CCK-8. Loxiglumide, 22 mumol/kg/hr, significantly enhanced gastric emptying and augmented acid output, as well as plasma gastrin response, whereas it abolished the postprandial rise in plasma somatostatin. We concluded that in dogs, CCK plays an important role in the physiologic regulation of postprandial gastric emptying of a liquid caloric meal and acid output. Its inhibitory effect on gastric acid secretion appears to be mediated, at least in part, by somatostatin.