The azo initiator of peroxyl radicals 2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH) induces oxidative hemolysis in human erythrocytes and subsequent hemoglobin oxidation. Using the degree of hemolysis versus time as an indication of the oxidative damage it was found that i) both reduced and oxidized alpha-lipoic acid protected against oxidative damage; ii) simultaneous treatment of erythrocytes with ascorbate and dihydrolipoate or alpha-lipoate has a synergistic tendency to protect cells against hemolysis; iii) glutathione in combination with dihydrolipoic acid or alpha-lipoic acid has an additive effect on hemolysis protection. The spin trapping reagent 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) formed an adduct with the peroxyl/alkoxyl radicals produced by thermal decomposition of AAPH in the presence of oxygen. The formation of this adduct was prevented by reduced or oxidized lipoic acid, reduced glutathione or ascorbate. It is concluded that AAPH-peroxyl radicals progressively damage the cells and the released hemoglobin is subsequently oxidized to methemoglobin which might further enhance the oxidative damage. The protective effect of antioxidants is exerted outside the cells by directly scavenging AAPH-alkoxyl radicals.