The Italian Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis (CPD) carried out a special study on patient hospitalization during the years 1989-1992. Ninety-two children (mean age 8.4 +/- 4.7 years) entered the study, for a total of 1406 CPD-months. The contribution of the different causes of hospitalization for a total of 4683 hospital days was: CPD training 31%; routine controls 14%; CPD-related complications 35%; clinical complications 14%; other causes 6%. The rate of patient hospitalization that resulted was 3.33 days/CPD-month; it was higher in the first year (4.32 days/CPD-month) than in the second year (1.64 days/CPD-month) or in the third year (2.25 days/CPD-month). This difference was mainly due to the need for the training at the start of the CPD treatment. The evaluation of the hospitalization rate in different age groups showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the group 0-2 years (5.47 days/CPD-month) and the group 3-15 years (2.78 days/CPD-month). Complications were the cause of 150 admissions to the hospital (1:9.6 CPD-months). Ninety-eight admissions were due to CPD-related complications: peritonitis (33%), problems with the catheter (19%), abdominal hernias (4%), and others (9%). Among clinical complications (52 admissions), the main cause of hospitalization was hypertension (15%), followed by infections (4%), and malnutrition (3%).