The radical surgical option we propose for Peyronie's disease consists in removing the sclero-hyalinotic focus of disease and replacing it by an autologous dermal graft taken from the upper outer thigh area. Between 1981 and 1991, we operated 335 patients with IPP, 152 of whom underwent plaque excision and dermal graft. All could be assessed at two-year follow-up. Two main complications were observed: mild penile flexure due to scar retraction of the graft (35% of cases), and partial erectile deficit with decreased corporal rigidity (17% of cases). The degree of the graft retraction is linked to the individual's histologic response. A mild deviation of the penis can occur some months after surgery and is not a relapse flexure due to disease progression (as it should have evolutive characteristics) but is mere scar retraction and will spontaneously regress. As the patient will date the onset of a postoperative erectile deficit from the time of the operation, it is advisable to assess preoperatively the erectile ability of all patients. Furthermore, an impaired erectile response could result from hypoaesthesia of the glans, post-surgical stress, and fibrosis of the erectile tissue. A retrospective assessment of radical surgery cases involving plaque excision and dermal graft lead us to propose this option where precise indications apply, providing the presence of other alterations of the erectile function are pre-operatively assessed.