Although the only opportunity to cure prostate cancer is treatment at an early stage, radical prostatectomy has remained relatively unpopular because 40-50% of prostate cancers estimated at diagnosis as confined to the prostate are found to be at a more advanced stage following histopathological analysis of the surgical specimen. This first prospective, randomized trial investigated the potential advantages of 3-month neoadjuvant combination therapy with flutamide and lupron before radical prostatectomy vs. prostatectomy alone in early stage prostate cancer. Cancer-positive margins were reduced from 38.5% (25 of 65) in control patients to only 13.0% (10 of 77) in men who received neoadjuvant combination therapy with the antiandrogen flutamide and the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) super-agonist Lupron before radical prostatectomy (p = 0.006). Moreover, comparison of the final stage determined by histopathological examination of the surgical specimen with that estimated at diagnosis showed that a more advanced stage (upstaging) was found in 53.8% of controls, but patients who received combination therapy had an opposite effect: a more favorable stage than expected at diagnosis was found in 23.4% of cases (downstaging), a 77.2% advantage of neoadjuvant combination therapy. The concern about radical prostatectomy, underestimation of stage, is thus markedly improved by 3-month neoadjuvant therapy with flutamide and a LHRH superagonist. Cancer-negative margins are expected to be accompanied by a life expectancy not different from that of men of similar age with no prostate cancer; therefore, the present data, combined with efficient detection of early stage prostate cancer, offer the basis for dramatic improvement in the morbidity and mortality of prostate cancer.